Up the Hill

DAH: Want to walk up the hill? 

MONKEY: What's up the hill?

DAH: I don't know. I just looked at it and thought I'd walk up it.

MONKEY: There's no point in walking up the hill if you don't even know what's up there. There's no incentive.

DAH: It's a nice day.

MONKEY: Nice day? What does that mean? And what does it have to do with the hill?

DAH: Well, it's sunny, and not too hot. There are some interesting clouds, fluffy clouds, blowing around. I looked out the back window, and thought it might be nice to go up it. Closer to the sky, too.

MONKEY: Incrementally closer to the sky, I suppose. But not much closer, in any kind of real or useful way. And still no incentive to go up the hill.

DAH: I just want to.

MONKEY: You just feel good.

DAH: Yeah, I guess I do.

MONKEY: Why do you feel good?

DAH: Looking out the back window and seeing the hill, I guess. And the blue sky. And the interesting clouds. It just made me feel good.

MONKEY: I don't understand how just looking at stuff can make you feel good.

DAH: I'm not just looking. When I take the time to look, I get feelings and ideas. I see possibilities, in my head. And the more I look, the more possibilities I see.

MONKEY: Possibilities for what?

DAH: For anything, for everything. They change all the time, the more I look.

MONKEY: When you look at anything?

DAH: Pretty much. But when I look out, at a big open view, like at the ocean, or up the hill at the sky, I tend to think bigger, happier, more hopeful thoughts and wider possibilities. More optimistic.

MONKEY: Usually you're looking at your desk and your computer screen.

DAH: Then my thinking gets smaller. I focus on all the stuff I have to do.

MONKEY: That doesn't sound too great.

DAH: It isn't.

MONKEY: Sounds like you ought to spend more time looking at the ocean and up the hill.

DAH: Bigger thoughts there, and more opportunity and hope.

MONKEY: So, why do you ever look down, at your desk, at your computer.

DAH: Because they're part of it, too, somehow. Part of it all, part of me. Plus, that's how I share.

MONKEY: Share?

DAH: All the ideas and hope and opportunity of the big view.

MONKEY: Oh, right. I get it, I guess.

DAH: I have to capture the big stuff from the hill and sky and ocean. I have to capture it somehow and share it with other people.

MONKEY: So they can see it, too.

DAH: So they can see part of it. Or so they can see what I see, or part of what I see, and understand why it matters, and maybe care themselves, too.

MONKEY: Think big, then focus.

DAH: What's that?

MONKEY: It's what you used to have on your business cards.

DAH: Right, that's right. I've got to have that again.

MONKEY: So, shall we go up the hill?

DAH: Ready?

MONKEY: Ready.

DAH is me, David Anthony Hance.

Monkey is.

Originally posted somewhere else 29-Apr-2009.
